Contact Information

Sint Paulusplaats 19
Phone: +32 3 325 55 52

Basic Info

Founded in: 2012

Employees: 8

Creative Work: 3

Clients: 6


Sint Paulusplaats 19
Phone: +32 3 325 55 52
Thomas Cassiers

Thomas Cassiers

Executive Producer & Partner

Phone: +32472355908

About Landvogel

Landvogel is a full service production company. We help brands and agencies to tell their stories by creating premium content for every screen. 

Check out our full portfolio at:



English, French, Dutch, Flemish
Philosophy & Competitive Advantages

At Landvogel we aim to be much more than a traditional full service production company.
We create, produce and publish premium content for every screen.

We help agencies and brands by creating filmed content and learning from the statistics we gather to create an even better viewing experience in their targeted audience.

It's not only about making a good video, it's about making the best video for every type of screen.
Our team is extremely passionate about creating filmed content for broadcast and new media, using all their strengths to create the perfect fit for your story.

Oh yeah, by the way:

We are also building our own kickass online content network with our premium social influencers. Today, we're already reaching over 220K people on a montly basis with our in-house created content.

In the meantime, visit us at or have coffee with your favorite producer! 

Network Description
The company is perhaps independent. If not, it can be edited here Edit
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