Contact Information

33/34 Great Pulteney St
London W1F 9NP
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)207 434 1182

Hannah McDonald

Hannah McDonald

PR & Marketing

Phone: +31 (0)20 794 0996

Basic Info

Founded in: 1996

Founded in: 1996


33/34 Great Pulteney St
London W1F 9NP
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)207 434 1182
Hannah McDonald

Hannah McDonald

PR & Marketing

Phone: +31 (0)20 794 0996

Go behind-the-scenes of Xavi’s Lab in this TV interview

As we gear up to celebrate the big 20th birthday, our minds have been proudly cast back over two decades as VFX pioneers.

Glassworks has always looked to push the boundaries of creative technology to its limits. Our Special Projects division has been responsible for truly groundbreaking work over the years, inventing and developing techniques that have gone on to become industry standard. Our philosophy is one of panoramic horizons; we’ve looked to benefit from the worlds of arts and science and it’s a relationship that’s been reciprocated as Glassworks has pioneered advances in medical simulation, time slice photography and virtual reality headsets, to name but a few.

Now, our technologist team is in a stronger position than ever, in the hands of resident genius Xavi Tribo and his Xavi’s Lab department.

Garnering increasing press and industry attention, Xavi’s Lab has been responsible for projects that are just rippling the surface of their potential to shape the future of our industry; from the way we pay for entertainment to filming techniques.

As word spreads, a leading digital TV show, Generació Digital, has interviewed Xavi to discuss how his creations bring interactive technology closer to the audience in original, fun and experimental ways.You can watch the interview