The Book of Dreams: The&Partnership for Argos


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Give us an overview of the campaign. What is it about and what was your role in the creation?

Danny: The campaign is based around a lovely insight; that for generations kids have gone through the Argos catalogue, circling and dreaming of all the wonderful stuff they could get for Christmas. This led us to the Idea that this is much more than a simple book of products, it’s a book of dreams.


Was the brief for this holiday campaign any different that than the usual?

Danny: Although it’s my first Christmas on Argos, I believe the briefs are different every year. However, it’s the first year we decided to use the catalogue and in, what is, a digital age, that was a brave decision by everyone. 


What inspired you to approach the campaign this way?

Ludo: Circling the Argos catalogue at Christmas was something we all did growing up, it’s such a lovely truth, so having an idea that grew from that truth was important.  


What’s a “behind the scenes” story that only you know about?

Arthur: We had a professional puppeteer dressed in a very tight green morph suit… the longer the takes took the sweatier he got – if that isn’t on your Christmas list I don’t know what is.


Ludo: We went out in Sofia (Bulgaria) to celebrate after we wrapped, Omar (our dad) jumped on one of those electric scooters…it was dark…there was a pot hole… I’ve never seen anyone go over the handle bars of a scooter before.


Danny: During the Party scene, Ludo, one of creatives stopped the shoot and reset because he didn’t want water a melon in the fridge. Because... (In Welsh accent) “nobody eats water melon at Christmas” 

Now that’s craft for you. 


Are there any holiday ad tropes that you think should be retired by now?

Ludo: Making people cry; I think it’s been done enough at Christmas.

Arthur: Time for a little more swagger.


What is your favorite holiday campaign of all time? 

Danny: What apart from ours? For me it’s Monty the Penguin by Adam & Eve/DDB; a lovely insight, full of magic, crafted to perfection.


Ludo: Arth and I loved KFC Crossroads by Mother London last year, so simple and funny.



What can we expect from your agency in 2020?

Danny: I’m not too sure what to expect from the agency as I mainly look after Argos. But on Argos we’ve a big year coming up because I only expect the work to go from strength to strength.


What do you think the advertising industry's New Year’s resolution should be?

Danny: Probably just the same as everyone else. Lose a bit of that Christmas chub.

Arthur: Not taking itself too seriously.