Brazilians, as we all know, are bonkers about soccer. And watching the big game often involves downing a cold beer or two. So imagine being Brazilian and realizing you’ve forgotten to stock the fridge with cold ones when the big match is about to start. When your friends arrive, things may get ugly.
Have no fear: pay-per-beer is here! Local beer brand Brahma teamed up with Globosat and Premiere TV to ensure that viewers could order their beer using the remote control, on the same screen and at the same time that they paid for their match. They could even order cans in their team colours – and brewer Ambev guaranteed that the beer would be delivered within an hour.
Viewers could sign up just for one game, or for the entire season. Turning a potential “oh dear” into “oh – beer!” The campaign won a silver Lion in Cannes in the media category 

TitlePay Per Beer
Campaign Pay Per Beer
Advertiser AB Inbev
Brand Brahma Beer

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PostedJune 2019
Business SectorSubscribers Only
Media Type Television

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