A mixed message for texting drivers

People who use their phones behind the wheel are urged to consider turning their lethal habit into a helpful one.

by Maud Largeaud , AdForum

Despite regular prevention campaigns, too many drivers still use their phones while at the wheel. No less than 8 out of 10 admit doing so, and the problem is particularly common among the young. As a result, phone usage is the cause of a third of all road accidents. In Belgium, the Responsible Young Drivers’ association decided to join forces with Reborn to Be Alive, an organization encouraging organ donation. Because let’s face it, dangerous driving increases your chances of becoming an organ donor. Publicis Brussels promoted the partnership with a print ad that had a dual message. It warned drivers not to text while on the road, but added that if they did, they should certainly consider organ donation. The idea was to reduce texting and driving, while also raising awareness of organ donation.