IPNY, Inc.

New York, United States
TitleWho's the hero behind the mask? (Mosaic)
Campaign Who's the hero behind the mask?
Advertiser Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center
Brand Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2020 / 5
Business Sector Hospitals, Healthcare facilities & Medical Services
Story The initiative was designed by Dana-Farber and IPNY to celebrate all Dana-Farber frontliners via social media channels. Open to the general public as well as the extended Dana-Farber family, this effort invites participants to post images and notes on their Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn feeds using the

hashtag #MyDanaFarberHero giving shout outs to both specific Dana-Farber employees and frontliners in general.

Dana-Farber is featuring these heroes and reposting/retweeting community posts as part of an ongoing campaign on their social media, Institute wide email bulletins, and on their COVID-19 resource center web site page. Community posts are aggregated using the #MyDanaFarberHero hashtag on the web page and shared with the front liners.

Media Type Social Media
Chief Creative Partner

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