Philosophy & Competitive Advantages

The RACA was founded in 1993 as the Association of Advertising Agencies (later – The Russian Association of Advertising Agencies, since  2015 - AKAR). Its members are agencies and companies from all over the country in advertising, communication, media and marketing businesses. AKAR is comprised of more than 200 member companies and. The goals of AKAR are to co-ordinate activities of its members –communication agencies, protect their interests and represent the collective view of the agencies and, on their behalf, enter into discussions and negotiations and conclude agreements with other industry associations and bodies representative of television, press, radio, outdoor, cinema, direct mail, public relations, sales promotion, etc." AKARs President is Alexey Kovylov (CEO of Grey, CEO Geometry Global) AKAR represents its members among the other trade organisation and authorities. AKAR is a member of the EACA. The AKAR organizes the Moscow International Advertising Festival, the largest in the country, encompassing TV, radio, press, cinema, outdoor, media awards.


Number of Employees: 25